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Swedish, Nature conservation freak, Passionate about Africa, Loving Peace, Politically neutral

Monday, 29 December 2008

Can starvation be of any good?

Reports, from among others the horn of Africa, suggests devastating effects in the countries that have been worst hit by the ongoing food crisis. Although this crisis was partly fueled by the high oil prices earlier this year, there is no denial that other factors also contribute to the chronic starvation in many countries. Exponential population growth rates in combination with a lack of strategies for sustainable food production can be considered as the main factors. And on top of that comes unpredictable weather patterns, which makes farming in many regions look like a round of Russian roulette.

As the rich part of the world is heavily affected by the financial crisis, fears grow that the food crisis will not receive the attention it needs. Focus will be directed on fighting “starvation” of the developed world, at the expense of the starving masses in South. But this might be a good thing. Perhaps a large-scale food crisis might enlighten the policy and decision makers in the developing world, and make them look for solutions that are sustainable; solutions that are based on the developing countries' own strength, which are free from the constant dependence on gifts, aid, and loans from other parts of the world.

There are three very mind-awakening comments written by Peace Nganwa that touch upon what I have just written. They are well worth reading, as they give an insight to the hurdles that lie ahead for the developing world when it comes to food insecurity.

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