Thursday 26 February 2009

Deep sea creatures reveals the existence of God

The more I learn about nature, the more is left for me to discover and find out. Reaching new depths (literally), in my quest to enrich myself with knowledge of the world’s biodiversity, I become acquainted with some pretty amazing creatures. I have also started to believe that there might be a higher force, an invisible hand if it might, behind all these nature's “miracles”. Watching the video clips I see proof of the existence of a god.

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Anonymous said...

skulle vara intressant att höra din definition av "gud". Själv har jag för länge sedan avslagit möjligheten av en existerande gud(de stora religionernas definition). Då fascineras man(iallafalljag) istället av hur slumpen kan leda till så fantastiska fenomen, eller hur fantastisk människan är som hyser egenskapen att kunna uppleva fenomen som fantastiska...

Björn Nilsson said...

First "God" then "a god" - why not a range of gods each one controlling this or that part of evolution? Or just skip the idea of divine intervention due to the fact that it is not possible to prove it? Or you may say that the evolution is so poorly organized (most species just can't survive - why?) that a superior being can't be the mastemind?

Geoffrey Goines said...


Att ge sig in på definitioner av gudar är inte särskilt lyckat, då man tenderar att låsa sig vid vissa föreställningar.

Jag vet vidare inte om man ska hurra så mkt för människans förmåga att värdera saker och ting...

>Björn Nilsson

The higher force behind the origin of life might very well be "God", god, or "fluke". The divergence is very small.

Anonymous said...

"The more I learn about nature, the more is left for me to discover and find out." it not the other way around..the more you learn, the less you can discover..logically? (given that human understanding is finite)

How could anyone come to the conclusion that, only because the perimeter of the unknown is increasing with the area of our knowledge, it has to be a god behind it? Is that critical thinking?

Try science, it has a pretty good track record of explaining things..religion has not!

Geoffrey Goines said...


I can see from what you write that you have never dared to stick out your head into the real world. Try it, you might like it...

Ps. I dont consider it to be critical thinking be concurring with the big masses

Louwrie Badenhorst said...

One thing I have noticed about all evolutionists is, just a slight mention of the word "God" and they will attack and kill that source without any remorse or guilt, even if it is one of there own who mentioned it. I bet if they could they would eradicate the world of that word. The Roman Catholic church did something similar once, back in the Dark ages they wanted to unite everybody under one church but some Christians did not agree with there teachings. So the answer of the Roman Catholic Church was simple: they killed 50 million protestant Christians! So why would you go that far? It’s simple the protestants where correct in not agreeing with the Catholic Church’s teachings because they where incorrect, the Catholic Church new there teachings where incorrect and had to get rid of the source pointing to the evidence. So back to evolutionists, why do they act in this way...? I call it a guilty conscience!