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Swedish, Nature conservation freak, Passionate about Africa, Loving Peace, Politically neutral

Monday 9 March 2009

Video clip of the world’s most endangered mammals

The WWF have released a video clip of the Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus). The aim is to raise awareness for this critically endangered mammal, of which there only some 60 individuals left in the world. Maybe the WFF will have more success with this species then we have had with the Baiji or Yangtze river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), which is virtually exterminated by the Chinese development.

I have in previous post (though in Swedish) asked if there is any sense in trying to save these kind animals, the extremely endangered ones. Why not allocate the money to other, more likely to be successful, nature conservation projects? Let the rhino go extinct, and let it thus serve as reminder of a very dark chapter in the history of our civilization.

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Unknown said...

En korkad fråga:

Hur gör du för att lägga upp Youtube-filmer i blogginlägg? Jag har försökt men aldrig lyckats...

Anonymous said...

Du kopierar "embed" in i inlägget (den börjar med "object width=", den finns oftas till höger om videoklippen på youtube).