Some memorable moments from the past year:
- 220 posts have been uploaded since the start, which equals an average of 0.6 posts/day.
- The most common tag to my posts has been “South Africa”, used for 29 posts.
- I have written some 14 posts about Robert Mugabe, but only around 5 posts about sustainable development (I probably should change the subtitle of my blog…)
- The post that generated most visitors in a single day (approx. 5 000 unique visitors) was the one where I claimed that Obama will be dead within four years (Link).
- The post the generated most comments (112 in total) was the one about my wish for Israel to wipe out Palestine (Link).
- My Israel/Palestine series (Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4) resulted in several death threats sent to my e-mail. Kind of interesting experience...
- All in all The Evolving Ape have had some 100 000 visitors (not unique visitors), which averages at around 2 000 per week.
Anybody who wants to celebrate The Evolving Ape may do so by having some cake and champagne (which you buy yourself), and I will try to provide some good atmosphere by continuing bloging.