Saturday 17 January 2009

I hope Israel will wipe out Palestine 3.0

Please read my previous posts on this subject, to get the full picture of the message I am trying to get through.
I hope Israel will wipe out Palestine
I hope Israel will wipe out Palestine 2.0
Why the hell is Gaza the center of the world
A modest proposal

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Anonymous said...

Arab terroristerna har aldrig godkänt Israels rätt att existera innom vilka gränser som helst. Israel helt enkelt var tvungen att vidta försvarsåtgärder i Gaza mot de terroristerna som har beskjutit Israel med Kassam raketer i minst 8 år. De sokallade palestinierna är inte hemlösa. De har hela Jordanien. Israel har rätt att leva innom säkra gränser och behålla Golan, Jerusalem, Judea och Samaria.

Anonymous said...

Jag är säker på att många judeterrorister inte erkänner palestina. Ja den finns ju inte, på grund av att Israel gång på gång avvisar ett fullständigt oberoende och suverän stat för palestinierna.

Att du förnekar att palestinierna existerar visar prov på dina nazistiska/zionistiska åsikter. 8 år av beskjutning? mmmm visst, ställ det mot 60 år av massmord, etnisk rensning, landstöld, förnedring samt urskillningslöst mördande.

Anonymous said...

Israel has my vote for anything! I'm impressed by their courage to fight against the middle east muslim coutries. They are our frontline, but one day they will buckle and give, then the war will be at your home.
Call me whatever name, but Muslims will eventually conquor Europe and burn our churches.

Anonymous said...

Ingen tar deg på alvor for du er bare en jævla svenske, og svensker er jo faen med hjerneskadet. Håper en bombe kverker deg din jævel

Anonymous said...

En død araber er en fredelig araber!

Anonymous said...

Nope, that's about enough of your cynisisms and negative outlook. I used to think that you were quite witty and kind of funny in your drastic comment on contemporary issues, but I've come to realize that you're nothing but a semi-racist colonialist besserwiesser with too much time on your hands.

Geoffrey Goines said...

[...] but I've come to realize that you're nothing but a semi-racist colonialist besserwiesser [...]

That is interesting, as I try , through the three comics included in this post, to question; why US is so a attached to Israel, why blacks are worth less than Palestinians, and why only European casualties get UN attention. Does that make me a "semi-racist colonalist"...?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who gave his vote to Israel.

So jews became a true europian friend?

I hate Israel! They brainwash people. Usa becomes jewish in their politic!

Anonymous said...

Israel is just the continuation of Nazi-germany and will have the same fate in the end!

Anonymous said...

The whole Middle east is just a dump. Crazy people...

Anonymous said...

MAC Who made Middle East like that?
Who determined the borders? Who sold them all those weapons? Just read a little man... It has been a crime since the beginning and we are still witnessing the consequences of it. Greedy minds plan all this and small minds like anonymous clap clap in admiration...

Anonymous said...

Förbjud religion!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the cimics, they really hit the right spot for me.

We should invoke a media-boycott on the middle east, and every time we see a piece from the war in Gaza or middle-east in general we should write to the journalist behind it and ask if he knows how many people were killed in Africa the same day...

I give my support to the ones who suffer without having shot any rockets at anyone...

This over-focusing on the middle eastr is doing a lot more damage than it is good... Africa is always the forgotten continent...

Anonymous said...

What's the definition of a moderate Muslim? - One who has run out of ammunition.

contactos barcelona said...

I fully match with whatever thing you've presented.